It's been so busy around here. Texas doesn't really have much in the way of spring, as such. It's cold, then it's hot, then it's really cold, then there's a tornado, then a dust storm and then it's summer. But somewhere in the middle of all of that, we get these perfect days. 75 degrees, no clouds, no gale force winds, the sky so blue it hurts your eyes and that lime green of all the new leaves on the trees, and the hummingbirds at the feeder. Ahhh, those are the days that I live in Texas for. I've been so busy in the garden, I haven't gotten much else done. I've got 5 beds planted with onions, radishes, corn, cabbages, broccoli, okra, lettuce, peppers, tomatillos, tomatoes, garlic and some beans. I got a new bed made and planted with some grapes to trellis up the side and shade us some and some pink eyed peas. They're like black eyed peas, know, pink.

I've also been able to work on my stick fence around my veg garden and have had some requests for photos, so here they are. I used the standard 4x4 posts and 2x4 rails, then have just been cutting 3 1/2 foot sticks off of prunings and also the branches on the trees that we cut for wood. We heat with central heat or air installed in this old house. The types of sticks vary according to what kind of tree we just finished with, but I think it gives it a cool look. I'll also have sweet potato vines climbing up it soon (I hope) and it will look very rustic.
The other big happening is the baby chicks that arrived today. I wasn't expecting them until

tomorrow, never having been invited to the post office on a sunday, but I got the call around 10 this morning and ran over and picked them up. They were a little rowdy at first, but they seem to all be satisfactorily fed and watered and are now taking a nap. My wonderful lab Label is napping next to the tub in the sewing room, having tired herself out observing her new babies for a couple of hours this morning.
Must get into the sewing room. Sunday is my day for sewing now that there's way too much yardwork to do. It'll be too hot to do any of it in a month or two, so I have to get it all done in the cooler days.

One last item: My treadle group Miniature Round Robin. This is the last border that I put on. Each bear's paw block finished to 3/4 of an inch. And I hate trimming half square triangle....ugh.
Talk to you soon,