It has been brought to my attention that I no longer post photos on my blog. I'm working on the whole "uploading from my phone thing" but in lieu of that, I took some photos with my actual camera this morning and will now post them for all to see. :)

This is my quilting machine set up. It's my new baby. I have quilted a lap quilt on it already, but I forgot to take a picture of that. I'll do that later. The frame is a Handi Quilter frame and the machine is a Juki TL98Q. It's a mid arm quilting machine and I love it. I've been baby-ing some tendonitis this week. In my efforts to get everything set up and ready for the machine to arrive, I sorta over did it. Luckily I already had a quilt loaded before it got too bad, so I at least got to play Monday afternoon. I'll be buying some more batting and loading another this weekend. I have all these quilt tops, some even with backings ready to go. AND NO BATTING! It's a tradegy.

This is "the Grotto". It is the time sink in my back yard. You can see that I have planted some lettuce up in the bio filter that my nephew and his friend put together. The neighborhood squirrel likes lettuce. I supervised the bio filter project. Rocks are heavy. The filter was the first structure added to the sad little pond. Then my nephew and my son dug out the flower beds and trimmed the crepe myrtle and pruned back the trees. They even did the rock border for me. We spread the mulch and then I couldn't find anything to plant. Too early for fall/winter plants and too late for summer plants. So herbs in pots and a bird house are the decoration right now. The next project is cleaning up the dog run that you can see behind the pond and painting the bench swing. We're working out from this corner.
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