Friday, March 19, 2010

A beautiful Friday!

Hi guys!

Spring Break and today was just beautiful! My schedule got changed around this week to accommodate those who were going out of town and I got Friday off. I haven't had Friday off in over a year, and I gotta say, I really enjoyed this one. (to clarify, I got of Christmas and New Year's, but those weren't really typical Fridays). Friday is Pizza Day. It has been for about 11 years or so. Back in the day, I always made everything from scratch and we would put whatever we had in the fridge or pantry on our pizzas. We have had some really interesting treats. But when I started working Friday's, I had to start buying pizzas because there just wasn't time between getting home from work and bed time to make dough from scratch and really enjoy the process. But not we are having homemade pizza, and they smell quite yummy.

Also on my lovely day, I planted some potatoes and broccoli/cabbage/cauliflower and fenced the chickens out of the asparagus bed. They think it's quite tasty as well, but I'm just not willing to give up 6 weeks of garden fresh, home grown organic asparagus to them. Not this year. I bound an afghan (I know, right?) for a client who thought it needed a more "finished" look. That was a little weird, but there was a paycheck involved, so I did it. I baked a couple of loaves of Italian Herb Bread and made a failed batch of Mozzarella cheese. I know this sounds sad, but a failed batch of mozzarella is a delightful batch of ricotta. So all is well.

Plus, I met a wonderful lady at the shop yesterday. A kindred spirit! Her name is Debbie too and she told me that the name "Debbie" means busy bee. I always knew the bee part, but never occurred to me the ramifications of that. She teaches homesteading classes so of course we hit it off really well and went off on a rambling conversation involving goats, chickens and cheese making. She has invited me over to see what I'm doing wrong in my cheese endeavors so hopefully by this time next week, I'll be an official cheese maker. Wish me luck.

The pizza is done and C is getting plates out and DH is wandering around with a hungry look on his face so I better skedaddle.



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