Monday, August 30, 2010

Success (sorta)

I successfully (sorta) survived my first day back in the empty nester world. My DH had a very long day at work, so I was alone from the time I woke up until about dinner time. The house was startling in it's quiet-ness. Even the dog knows that things are different now. She just laid on the floor, close to me no matter what room I was in. I had to run out to the grocery store to pick up dinner fixins' and she acted very worried when I grabbed my purse. Monroe, my grand-fish is gone as well. He went back to school with C so I don't have the morning routine of feeding and chatting with him while I drink my coffee anymore. Things change so much in the blink of an eye. I guess I was "successful" in surviving in the way that I didn't sit in her room and cry all day, but the "sorta" part was more telling. I got things done. I did my regular chores. I did my regular sewing. I did my regular cooking. But there was something alive and vibrant missing from those things. My daughter is a wonderful young woman. Caring, compassionate, sweet, loving, funny, loyal, smart, beautiful and with a helpful spirit. When she's home, there's not a chore that I set out to do with out hearing "Momma, do you need any help?" Today, that spirit was missing along with the stupid inside jokes and movie quotes and random dance breaks and all the other stuff that we do that no one else gets. My heart hurts because I miss her but more importantly my heart hurts because it's bursting with pride and love for her. She is becoming a successful young woman with good friends surrounding her and a goal in front of her. I did a good job and that makes me happy. From here on out, everything else in my life is gravy. I was blessed with the loan of two amazing people. I raised them and then gave them back to the world. I am a lucky woman. But I sure miss them


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