I went out to take photos of my HUGE chickens and my camera's batteries are dead. :( I'll pick up some more this weekend when I'm out and about. But I can tell you what I've been up to.
I foolishly decided that I would do the Farmer's Market in our local town of McKinney. The market is located in the old historic village part of the historic downtown. You know, old houses and schoolhouse, a general store, herb gardens, etc. It's a very cool venue. I'm not selling produce or eggs, but crafts. I made these WAY cool fabric grocery bags out of some recycled sheets and was really looking forward to selling them all. My first lesson was a harsh one. People who shop at farmer's markets already have tote bags and fabric grocery bags. I made a whopping $5 for the whole 4 hours. Didn't even pay my gas to get there!
LOL! So now, being hard-headed and all that, I'm determined to beat the farmer's market. I WILL persevere. I came home and cut out some aprons. Made 2 yesterday and have 4 more cut out. I also went through my quilt tops. I found two that are done and even have backing with them. Just need some batting and thread and can whip those suckers out with an all over stipple. Luckily for me, one of the local quilt shops is going out of business and everything is 50% off this week. I'll swing over tomorrow and pick up some stuff.
Oh, did I mention....my dear sweet hubby BOUGHT ME A CAR! Woo! I've been out here in the boonies for 2 years with no vehicle, and now we've each got one. It's a sweet deal! We were spending so much putting gas in the truck, that we decided we could buy a small car with way better gas mileage and absorb the cost of the payments in the gas savings. The rule of thumb these days is whoever is driving the farthest gets to drive the new one. I got a light metallic blue 2008
Kia Rio. She's a sweet little
thang. I named her
Nesbit. She gets 35 mpg as opposed to
Trucky (original name, huh) who only gets 13 mpg. Since hubby was transferred to another store that's 35 miles from home, we thought it prudent.
The garden is coming along. Built 3 more beds, but don't have dirt in them yet. That will be this weekend. Running them along the back and side fence so I can trellis tomatoes,
cucs, watermelon and the "jelly melon". Then one along the stick fence that will have sweet potatoes. They're all ready to be put in the ground, just need some
ground to put them in. :)
As soon as that's all done, my focus will be on setting up the flower beds and "patio" area under the pecan tree. It's always been a jungle on that side of the yard, I thought I would tame it this year and next and make it a
usable portion of the yard. It's always shady over there and would make a good outdoor room. I'd like to put in a fire pit the first year or two, then build in a wood burning oven.
Well, that's it for today. Gonna have lunch with a friend that I haven't seen in forever today, and then work on those aprons. Hubby is working both jobs today, thankfully only a 12 hour work day as opposed to the evil Saturday schedule which is a 16 hour day (full shifts at both jobs). Poor guy. But that means we can have breakfast for dinner tonight, since he won't be here.
OH! I fixed omelets the other day and everything in them was from the yard (or mini-farm if you prefer). Eggs, onions, beet greens, garlic
scapes and cilantro. Good stuff man!
Talk to you soon. Hopefully I'll have some pictures this weekend.
Be well,