Got back Saturday night and hit the ground running. While I ferried the girls (my daughter and her BFF) to the movies and back, my hubby started mowing the lawn which had grown to frightening heights. We ordered a pizza so we could get stuff done. Sunday saw him mowing the back yard before heading to work and me working feverishly on my parent's quilt. Yesterday, I finished the top and got it basted and ready to be quilted. Right after dinner last night, C (my daughter) and I were evacuated because of a gas leak on the town square. We live right off the square in the historic distric. A month or so ago, there was the same situation in a town near here and they DIDN'T evacuate and some houses blew up, killing a few people, so they tend to be overly cautious now. We headed over to C's friend's home and hung out with the parents for a while, then C was invited over to another friend's house. We adults ended up sitting out on the patio, drinking beer and eating party food. Best evacuation ever. Of course, I hadn't pinned the quilt at that point so when they finally let us back into the house at 10pm, I still had to clean up the kitchen from dinner and then work on the quilt.
Hit the hay, and up early (for me) and on to chores and then to the quilting of the quilt. After hubby gets home, we have to go start hauling firewood. The house where we were cutting and loading a week ago still has the rest of that tree left, plus they had 2 more cut down and it's stacked and waiting for us to come get it. I imagine it will be a couple of loads a week for the next few weeks. We'll make a trip tonight, and most likely I'll make another trip tomorrow after getting home with the chickens. It's their "spa" day.
Anyway, got 2 weeks worth of stuff to do and only 4 more days to do it in, so I gotta run. BUT, before I go, here's the view from our balcony when we were on vacation.

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