Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Picture a Day

Keeps procrastination at bay....or so I will hope. There's been discussion on my treadle message board about this being the year to finish up our UFOs (UnFinished Objects) whether they be quilting, sewing, crafty, etc. One of the members posted that she uses her blog to keep her accountable and that she uses the list feature. I'll be employing that later on today, I'm sure. But first I decided that perhaps if I pledge to post one picture a day for the rest of the month of January, I'll get back into the habit of posting here on my blog.

So here's my first picture.

This is my stove. It's a 1927 Wedgewood number with 4 gas burners and 2 wood burners there on the end. It also has a gas oven and broiler, neither of which work. I've been using this stove for about 4 years. I bought it 19 years ago and have been hauling it all over the country until I settled and bought a house it would be comfortable in. I never got the oven/broiler fixed, so I've been cooking for my family without it. My DH finally said that I needed an oven and so he's gone and bought me a modern free standing gas range to go in this one's place until the day when she can be restored. Today is her last day in the kitchen and I needed to clean her anyway, but this morning, while making scrambled eggs, I inadvertantly dumped beaten egg all over the top which then ran down inside and dripped out the back onto the floor. My dog was quite helpful with the floor portion of the cleanup. :) I also need to go tackle cleaning out a space on my screened in front porch for her to live for a while. It will be sad to have her out of the kitchen, but I'll be thrilled to have a real oven to bake in again. Holiday dinners have been interesting these last 4 years, to say the least, and I've defineately learned some serious crock pot skills. I can just about cook anything in a solar oven, a crockpot and a 10 inch counter top convection oven.

Happy New Year,


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