Thursday, February 26, 2009

Homestead Update

I've gotten the onions in, transplanted lettuce and some brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, etc), planted potatoes, started sweet potato slips, planted garlic and transplanted rosemary and dill. We built a small chicken run for the girls since they dig up my herb garden and lilies on a regular basis. Well, they can't now, so I'm planning for a real nice herb bed this year.

Canned some dried pintos the other day and also some pecans. I'm working on filling my pantry with a year's worth of food. It's good to have a back up. The garden and chickens will feed us in the spring, summer and fall, but again, it's good to have a backup.

C's cat was attacked by 3 dogs 4 days ago and we're nursing him back to health, however unwilling he is to accept it. He's just a tad grouchy these days.

Took a road trip up to my parent's place last weekend and got my almost DIL wedding dress almost done. Just some handwork on the bodice and hemming up the skirt. Still need to make an underskirt, 5 cloaks, my outfit, DH's outfit and alter the bride's maid's dresses. I've got 7 weeks. :)

I need to start some more seeds this weekend and order a few more. Maybe get some peas planted up against the back fence. Lots to do!


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