Here is a picture of the finished quilt. I think everyone liked it, and I know my Mom and Dad loved it. The party went well. Dad knew about it and had prepared a presentation with their love story accompanied by music. At the close of his speech, he asked my mom to marry him again and their Pastor stood up and performed the ceremony. Not a dry eye in the house, I gotta say. It was very touching.

Today was job hunting day, both for C and for myself. This was her first time asking for employment and found the whole process somewhat depressing. This was NOT my first time asking for employment and also found the whole process depressing. We consoled ourselves by digging change from our purses and having tacos and water at Taco Bell on the way home. Paying for tacos with change scrounged from your purse certainly makes the job hunt seem a little more necessary. LOL. We will persevere. Ironically, both of us have some chance of being hired at book stores. Different book stores. I applied at a different branch of the book store that my hubby works at part time. C applied to 2 bookstores. What a bunch of nerds. And I mean that in the nicest way. We know we're nerds and revel in our nerd-dom. It's so nice to own the fact that you're a nerd and not try to fit in with the "cool" people. Takes off a lot of pressure.
I snagged 3 bags of grass clippings from the neighbor yesterday. I know she doesn't spray her yard, so I hot footed it over there as soon as I saw her bagging them up. I have one of the veg beds that Hubby built that never got filled with dirt, so it's sitting on newspapers (to kill the grass under it) and I dumped in all the clippings. I smooshed it in as far as it would go and then planted some leftover bean seeds in it. Just finished watering it again and we'll see what happens. I also put in some corn seeds in the onion/pumpkin bed for a fall batch of corn, as well as filled in some holes in the pepper bed with some more okra seed. Pulled up the radish that I had let go to seed and then put in some lettuce seed where it was. Maybe, just maybe I'll get those things to sprout. I'm learning that gardening is constant, especially in the part of the country I'm in. We have a 10/11 month growing season here, so I can get 2 crops of corn and beans and most other things. As one crop is harvested, another one can be seeded into the empty spots. It's pretty fun experimenting with things. I harvested onions yesterday, and man, there's a ton of them. Trying to figure out storage now.
My Sis in law gifted me with a beautiful wire egg basket this last weekend, and now it's the daily harvest basket. It looks so nice filled with home grown goodness.
Thanks for listening and I'll keep you posted on the job front.
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