Yesterday marked the first of many very busy days, in which I get things done that should have been done long ago. After I slept in by 45 minutes, I got up and chatted with my friend online. Very productive start, right? Then I started reading one of my emails that's a newsletter from one of my
very favorite seed companies. All organic, no hybrids, lots of rare and heirloom plants. Then I felt guilty about not having worked in my garden in like, forever. I went outside and

harvested okra and peppers and noticed what a mess my empty beds were in. At that point, I got very motivated and grabbed a pitchfork and turned and weeded a whole bed! Next week, this bed will be amended and planted with 300 onions for next year. Good start, only 4 beds to go (for now). The other 3 are still growing stuff. Then I had to decide what I was going to do with all

the okra and peppers I brought in, so I decided to pickle them. I used a new recipe, so we'll have to see how they turn out. Quite proud of myself at this point.
Chores are done, I'm cleaned up, what's next? I wander into the sewing room and remember that I'm supposed to be working on a

client quilt. I'm supposed to be turning these piles of fabric into a Lone Star. I'm using the
Quiltsmart product, so it's MUCH faster than doing it the old fashioned way, but it still takes a while.
We had an old friend that we hadn't seen in 3 years over for dinner. He periodically re-emerges in between wives. We figure we have 6 months of contact and then it's back underground with a new wife. So we grilled some dinner, drank some beer and listened to him play some Johnny Cash tunes on his guitar. A good time was had by all.
This morning started clear and early with the sound of our neighbor vomiting in his driveway about 6 am. Now, I've been awakened by lots of sounds: Lawn mowers, trash trucks, children, even an Opossum in the hen house, but this one was most likely the most disturbing. After that, there was not much use for sleep. Today was the annual Fun Day on our town square. We live about 1/2 a block from our town square. Fun Day starts early with a drumline and the high school pep squad. Yeah, okay, I'm up now.
One of my friends and I had talked about going to get firewood today. We live in an old house and have no central heating or air. Window units in the summer and fireplaces in the winter. My "before woodpile" is on the left. Not so much. Maybe enough for a week or two if we're careful. He came by and he, my husband and I went out to another friend's place to cut up a pecan tree that had fallen over.

Here are my "after" woodpile(s).

Lots of work involved in that little outing. We left home around 10am and arrived back around 3. We had to stop and pick up some paint on the way home for another project. We unloaded and stacked, then I grabbed the shower first (very sneaky of me) and cooled off. It was only 85, but man, was I worn out. My hubby is napping on the sofa as we speak!
I think that might be all I will accomplish today. I did fix some leftover fajitas for dinner, and luckily my daughter is staying over someone's house this evening, so no formal dinner will have to be fixed. Thank goodness. I think I might be able to squeeze a nap in before bedtime if I'm lucky.
Maybe I'll have another productive day tomorrow. I can only hope. I really like the feeling of getting stuff done.
Let's keep it up!