Today saw the floor of the garage...and the walls, and the little door that goes into the back yard. It was a stunning victory in my opinion. We had pulled everything out yesterday, and this morning we were doing the final picking and choosing and piling in the driveway, when a gentleman stopped by with a pickup and a flatbed trailer. He was randomly
patrolling our little town looking for scrap metal to haul away. Guess who had a pile just for scrap metal? You're right! Us. We gladly let him haul away a big pile, plus he took some other items that were in the "Free to a good home" pile. It really diminished our work as far as finding someplace to take it, plus it gave him some income and recycled it all. Those are big selling points as far as I'm concerned.
Made some turkey stock today. Ended up with 11 pints and 8 quarts. I was going to stick it in the freezer, but I don't have that much space, so I'll be pressure canning it all in the morning in between shopping and packing for our camping trip. I need to get it all done before we go, or it will spoil.
I also finished the center medallion of the Lone Star I started a week or so ago. All that's left are the borders, but I'll wait until I get home to take care of that.

Pictures were taken of the newest Halloween quilt in my life. It's

not quilted yet, of course, but I wanted to share with you. It was an easy
peasy and went quick, but it's done. Good criteria for a fun time sewing with a friend. The first picture is of the whole top. The second is a close up of the center fabric. It's really fun! The name of the fabric is "Life's a Witch". The last photo is the Halloween

quilt I did last year with my friend. Are you sensing a theme here? We are thinking that we might be able to make something else, but why bother?
I have to share a funny story about Monday. Remember the tarantula picture? Well, when I saw him in the driveway, I of course, whipped out my cell phone to call my daughter who was in the house to come out and see him. She didn't answer, so I ran into the house to find her. Well, she was in the back yard with her phone out to take a photo, laughing like crazy. Apparently, a young squirrel who lives next door had come over to get a drink out of our little pond. While he was standing by the pond, one of our chickens charged him and scared him and knocked him into the pond. Well worth missing the tarantula phone call in my opinion. She got to see the spider anyway.
I'm tired after a full day of being productive, so I'll call it a night.
I'll talk to you soon.
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