Monday, I worked at a friend's quilt shop, using the die cutter to cut out quilt kits. The owner needs some one dedicated to doing only that while they're there, and I have the occasional day where it works out for me to go in and do it. It's a great system. While I was there, a sewing buddy stopped by to show me a quilt top that she put together on Friday. I didn't get a picture of it, but it's really cute. She stopped by on her way to drop it off at the quilter's house. Then she snuck out to my house and dropped off a big ole' crow to put in my front yard for Fall/Halloween decoration. We both suffer from the Halloween Crazies. It was a nice surprise to come home to after work!
Also on Monday at work, another sewing buddy stopped by to see me and brought me a gift.

In my quest to start finishing things and be more organized, I'm having to look at things differently. I bought a pattern box (a cheap one not the fancy one) and got all the patterns off of my cutting table where they get knocked into the floor at least once a day by at least one of the cats. Yesterday, I replaced the broken toilet seat (4 months old) and the ripped out shower curtain (6 months). Small expenditures, to be sure, but something that I knew needed to be done, but "never got around to". It's an amazing thing.

I have to get to work on a client quilt. Talk to you soon!
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