So, I decided to start a blog. I told my lovely daughter and she responded with "but you don't ever do anything!". Hmmm. I'm awake at least 12-16 hours a day. Surely, I fill that time with something. I run a house and care for critters. I run a small business from home. I quilt. I homeschool. I garden. I do LOTS of things!
I'm trying to get my life a little more organized. I tend to say "I'm going to do week", so consequently there are a lot of undone things in my life. Hopefully, by documenting my intentions and my actions, there will be a higher level of accountablity and completion. Perhaps my time management will improve. Maybe I can accomplish all those things that I sit around thinking about and planning out, but never do. It'll be great! I hope.
The first item on my agenda was implemented this week. I have a good friend who gets up at 4:30 am every day, takes his dogs for a run, then hits the gym by 5, at his first job by 7 and his second job by 6 (3 days a week) and still has time to meet me for lunch on Saturday and go to Temple. Hmmm, I'm usually up by...let's just say 9am for the sake of this post. Then, I get some coffee and read my email and maybe shower by lunchtime, then try to get stuff done in the afternoon between lunch and my naptime. To be honest, I do accomplish a fair amount of things in that time frame, but not quite enough to do everything I should and some things I want. So I decided that I would start getting up at a "normal" hour. Keep in mind I work from home, my daughter is homeschooled, and my husband's work schedule is very fluid so there's no "real" reason to get up. No breakfast to fix, no kids to shuffle off to school, etc. I set my alarm for 7:30am. *GASP* I have managed to get up everyday this week when the alarm goes off. Of course, now I have to be in bed by 10:30, but hey, small price to pay for increased productivity. I haven't even taken any naps! Today, I slept to 8:15, but I was up later than normal watching "What Not to Wear" with my daughter.
So far this week, I've completely pieced two full size quilt tops and am working on two others that are in various stages of completion. I did so much rotary cutting that my wrists starting giving me the "you need to stop for a while" signals which I actually obeyed this time. No cutting yesterday, so I sorted through a tub of scraps and threw out some icky stuff that I can't use in my quilts and color bagged the rest. That's on top of the normal day to day running of the house.
I will figure out how to put photos in my blog and post the two quilt tops that I did this week, along with whatever else strikes my fancy.
Thanks for listening!
I figured it all out! The quilt top on the left is a "Just Can't Cut It" with a really cute beach scene. The one on the right is the ever present "Turning 20".

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