Monday, July 27, 2009

Day of rest?

Yesterday, C and I headed over to my sister's house to help paint the outside of it. Little did we know that there would be nothing for us to do. My nephews were sanding the fascia and my father was replacing some woodwork on the front. All that was left was for us to go to the hardware store and pick paint after eating some leftover scones. Then we got back and had lunch and came home after that. Got home around 4 and I got to work here. Did 2 loads of laundry, then I made a big batch of breakfast burritos and put them in the freezer. I made 3 batches of double crust pie crusts and got them into the fridge. I was planning on making a chicken pot pie (or two) for the freezer and a peach pie, but lost momentum after dinner. I ended up doing a small quilt repair and then watching a movie with C and then it was bed time.

Soooo, that's what happened here yesterday.



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