Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Yard

My yard is a mess. I won't even sugar coat it. Won't even take a picture of it. It's an embarrassing, over grown, brush pile strewn mess. *sigh* I guess I shouldn't make a plan to put in more flower and veg beds if I can't even keep it nice now. My main issue is the mowing. And the weeding. And the edging. You see, my DH, who is really a Knight in Shining Armour, Works. And when I say that, I don't mean the M-F 9-5. I mean Monday through Sunday, 2 jobs, 19 hour days, 80+ hour weeks. He rarely has days where he has the time to mow, much less the energy. We have a very temperamental mower and besides all of that, I just can't start it. I've tried. I tried yesterday and the day before. I can't really afford to hire someone to do the yard work, and the young man I have hired to help me with the heavier yard chores (pruning, firewood, etc) could do it, but I don't want to waste that time and money on something that I could theoretically do myself. So, I've decided that I will acquire a reel push mower. You know, the kind without any power source other than the person walking behind it. It makes a really nice sound when you mow, sort of a whirring. I can handle that. And, once the lawn is mowed, I'll be able to do the edging, and then the weeding. I guess I just don't see much sense in sitting in an overgrown lawn weeding a flower bed. Hence, my yard is a mess.


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