Friday, July 31, 2009

Houston, we have a cucumber!

I had planted all my melons and squash and cucs in the front yard this year. I have such a problem with the dreaded squash bug that I decided to trick them and plant somewhere far enough away that they couldn't find my plants. It seems to be working! I found 2 full size cucumbers last night and plenty more baby ones. Yay! The cool weather and all the rain we've been having just spurred them on to cucumber greatness. I tried Thai Green cucs this year. We have a problem with it being too hot here and the cucumbers get bitter. I thought if I tried some from a hotter region than it might work better for me here. I haven't tasted them yet.

The kids are moving in this weekend, and we're all pretty excited about it. They'll be moving here to save up for their move to Seattle this winter. We figured with C going to college and there being an empty room, it would work out ok.

Hope you all have a great day!


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